Wild Things Of The Upstate


Wild Things of the Upstate is an A to Z illustrated children’s book guiding readers through 26 plants and animals that call the Upstate region of South Carolina their home.  Written for ages 3–7, Wild Things offers an easy pathway for young minds to discover the plants, animals, insects, and fungi found in Upstate outdoor spaces, public parks, and even our own backyards.  From American toad to zebra swallowtail, the book aims to educate children about the native wildlife around them and to inspire a passion for making room for our natural neighbors.  The book also includes a glossary with more in-depth information about each wild thing, and a list of resources for further reading and outdoor exploration.


  • Written by Abby Moore Keith

  • Illustrated by Carissa Grace Bowser

  • Dimensions: 8.5 x 8.5

  • Format: Hardcover